What Should I Do if I Don’t Like My Hearing Aids?

Having a pair of hearing aids that you don’t like wearing can be a disheartening experience for people with hearing loss. There are many reasons why a person might not like their hearing aids, but the good news is that there are many practical tips to improve your user experience and enjoy the benefits of…
Can Hearing Aids Help with Balance Issues?

Your inner ears are responsible for helping you both hear and balance when hiking on Doll’s Head Trail. Because these systems are housed so closely together, it’s common for someone with hearing problems to also experience balance problems and vice versa. Fortunately, both can be treated the same way in many cases: with hearing aids….
What Is AI in a Hearing Aid?

What do you think of when you hear the term “artificial intelligence” (AI)? Many people think of something out of a sci-fi movie, but the truth is you probably already use devices equipped with AI. One of those devices might be your hearing aid. Below we review how hearing aids can use AI to help…
How to Choose the Right Hearing Aid for Your Lifestyle

If you’ve already worked with an audiologist to determine you have some level of hearing loss, the next step is to select a hearing aid. There are so many manufacturers, styles and features, the choices can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, you still have your audiologist to walk with every step of the way. Lifestyle Needs Assessment…
How to Use Headphones with Hearing Aids

If you enjoy listening to music, podcasts or videos through headphones, you may feel frustrated if your favorite headphones or earbuds aren’t compatible with your hearing aids. Fortunately, there are options for you to listen comfortably. Below we review some of these options, including which types of headphones are best suited for which types of…
Treating Hearing Loss-Related Dementia with Hearing Aids

Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities that are severe enough to impact day-to-day life. Dementia can be debilitating, costing you precious memories like picnics with loved ones at Atlanta Memorial Park. Fortunately, there are ways to protect your brain against dementia, and one of them is…
How to Choose a Hearing Aid

If your hearing test revealed that you have hearing loss, the next step is to select a hearing aid. The number of styles, makes and models of hearing aids on the market today is vast, which can make anyone feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, your audiologist is with you every step of the way, and we’ve compiled…
Can Hearing Aids Change Your Life for the Better?

If you’re one of the 48 million Americans with hearing loss, you already know some of the impacts it can have on your health and relationships. A number of studies have shown that wearing hearing aids can improve many facets of your life, not just your hearing. Hearing Aids Can Slow Cognitive Decline Studies by…