The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports, “Approximately 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing.” If you have hearing loss, you’re not alone this holiday season. And if you wear hearing aids, you be wondering how you can travel with them with minimal hassle. We review tips for this below.
When Traveling with Hearing Aids, Do:

- Bring extra batteries. Hearing aid battery life can vary based on usage, streaming, temperature and other factors. The last thing you want is to be stuck not being able to hear your conversation partner at the dinner table because your batteries died and you don’t have extras on hand.
- Pack a dehumidifier. Cold, damp weather can harm your hearing aids. To combat moisture, be sure to pack a dehumidifier to store your devices in at night or to dry them out if they accidentally get damp.
- Carry other communication tools. If you use an assistive listening device like an FM system, be sure to bring it so you can better communicate with family and friends during the holidays. You can also bring a notebook and a pen to communicate if you find this easier and more effective.
When Traveling with Hearing Aids, Don’t:
- Stop cleaning them. Traveling can throw off your routine, but you should not stop cleaning your devices at the end of each day. When you take out your devices at night, wipe them down with a soft, dry, clean cloth. Then use a wax pick or wire loop to remove stubborn debris. Open the battery doors so moisture can evaporate.
- Remove them during X-rays. When traveling through Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, you can keep your devices in when you get X-rayed – it won’t damage them. You can tell the TSA agent that you’re wearing them prior to going through the machine. Taking them out puts you at risk of losing them.
- Leave them unprotected. Any time you remove your hearing aids when traveling, put them in their protective case somewhere you can easily remember where they are. If you’re staying with relatives who have small children or pets, keep them out of reach of them.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Advanced Hearing today.