What Is Auditory Deprivation?

Hearing loss is a progressive condition, meaning it develops slowly over time. Because of this, many people don’t even realize they have hearing loss until it’s advanced to a stage that cannot be easily treated. This can have devastating impacts, including social withdrawal, feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression and even cognitive decline. There’s another effect…
What’s the Difference Between Being Deaf and Hard of Hearing?
You’ve likely heard the terms “hard of hearing” and “deaf” used to describe hearing loss, but they’re not interchangeable. In order to understand the distinction, we first need to review the different levels of hearing loss. What Are the Levels of Hearing Loss? There are four general levels, also called “degrees,” of hearing loss: Mild…
How to Choose a Hearing Aid

If your hearing test revealed that you have hearing loss, the next step is to select a hearing aid. The number of styles, makes and models of hearing aids on the market today is vast, which can make anyone feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, your audiologist is with you every step of the way, and we’ve compiled…
How Does Loud Noise Cause Ear Damage?

Many of us know the experience of being in a loud environment – whether it’s a concert venue, crowded bar or a construction site – and leaving with our ears ringing and hearing muffled. While this feeling is usually temporary, over time, repeated exposure can cause irreversible damage to our ears. How Sound Travels Through…
How to Talk to a Loved One About Hearing Loss
If your loved one has hearing loss, it may be bothersome when they turn up the TV louder than is comfortable to you, avoid participating in social events and ask you to repeat yourself often. But the risks of hearing loss are far worse than mere inconvenience; untreated hearing loss is linked to accidents requiring…
How You Can Prevent Falls

Every 11 seconds, an older adult in the U.S. experiences a fall that leads to an emergency room visit. Falls can result in injuries like hip fractures and head trauma, which can have lasting, devastating consequences. In fact, falling is the leading cause of accidental death for the elderly. “There’s such a high risk of…
Can Hearing Aids Change Your Life for the Better?

If you’re one of the 48 million Americans with hearing loss, you already know some of the impacts it can have on your health and relationships. A number of studies have shown that wearing hearing aids can improve many facets of your life, not just your hearing. Hearing Aids Can Slow Cognitive Decline Studies by…
Sensitivity to Sound As We Age

Dr. Joan Englehart Rodriguez, Au.D., joined Dr. Goldberg’s Suwanee practice in 2007 with 28 years’ experience in clinical audiology. A native of Pennsylvania, she earned her Bachelor of Art degree in Hearing and Speech Sciences from the University of Maryland in 1978 and her Master of Science degree in Audiology from Penn State University in…
All About Ototoxic Hearing Loss

Dr. Joan Englehart Rodriguez, Au.D., joined Dr. Goldberg’s Suwanee practice in 2007 with 28 years’ experience in clinical audiology. A native of Pennsylvania, she earned her Bachelor of Art degree in Hearing and Speech Sciences from the University of Maryland in 1978 and her Master of Science degree in Audiology from Penn State University in…